Cyberattacks, fines after tax audits from non-compliance, theft of personal and corporate information, outdated technology and business process failures... You can avoid it all if you
seek help from our experts.

Our company provides various types of consulting services in the field of IT:
- protection of corporate information;
- IT risk management;
- assessment of IT infrastructure compliance with domestic and international standards;
- consulting on any other issues related to IT
We provide a wide range of services in various areas:
IT consulting is a popular service among foreigners doing business in Russia. Without
modern information technology in general it is difficult to imagine the activities of any
organization - effective IT solutions bring companies not only a competitive advantage, but also a comfortable working environment, lack of risk, non-transparency and disruption of business processes.
- assessment of general IT management tools;
- assessment of IT application management tools;
- IT systems integration and data migration assessment;
- Service organization compliance assessment (SSAE18 / SSAE16, ISAE 3402);
- IT Due Diligence;
- risk-based assessment of applications and information systems;
- IT project support from specification assessment to system implementation and
post-implementation analysis.
Cyberattacks and cyberthreats are an increasingly frequent phenomenon in the business environment.

Specialists can help you assess the risks involved and create or enhance protection against external and internal threats. We offer you a wide range of services, including:

- cyber resilience and business continuity assessments;
- protection of information and personal data;
- security audits for compliance with international and Russian standards;
- ISO27001 and PCI-DSS certification readiness assessment
- third-party IT audit
- IT architecture security assessment.
Service description
IT audit & Consulting Services
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
Consulting Services
Our IT-audit specialists will help you understand the legislation regulating the protection of
personal data:

- Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ (as amended on 29.07.2017) "On Personal Data";
- EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Personal data