Business meeting organization
Business meeting organization is an important part of the overall process of entering the Russian market.
Such meetings help to establish contacts, find new partners and make yourself known. Depending on the goals of your company, we plan the type and concept of the event - from a business meeting to a large conference.
Complex solution of your task is our main advantage, so the holding will be provided with all the necessary components.
In the process of doing business on the territory of the Russian Federation foreign
companies may face the need for a business meeting organization.
The productivity of such meetings largely determines the effectiveness of the business, and that is why the negotiation process is important to the company. In view of this, the
organization of negotiations and business meetings should be approached very seriously, and for all the nuances to be taken into account, it is worth seeking professional support from the specialists.
Service description
Benefits for your business
Our prices for services are always kept at a reasonable level, and deadlines are met according to the contract.

Contact our specialists and they will advise you in detail.
Prices & Terms
100 EUR
1. Program development.
Business meetings may pursue different purposes and, accordingly, have different formats. Focusing on the specific direction of the event, our experts will develop a clear plan for the organization of a business visit of partners, negotiating with authorities and potential investors, preparation of the production conference at the company's subdivisions, it can also be industry seminars and forums where specialists exchange their experiences.

2. Finding and preparing a location.
Organizing a business meeting requires a comfortable environment in the first place. The venue can be your office or a third-party establishment. We will choose the best location for your purposes. Also we can decorate and provide location with everything necessary - from audio and video equipment to stationery. We work in Moscow, across Russia, but events are
also possible abroad.

3. Planning.
Our specialists will help you to think over the course of negotiations and take care of all technical aspects (catering, transfer, air tickets and hotel rooms, organized registration at seminars and conferences, security, etc.).

4. On-site support.
We provide support at all stages: from concept development to preparation of reports on the event. Our employees are sure to be present with you and monitor how the meeting with partners or colleagues is organized, promptly make necessary corrections and solve arising issues. This guarantees the accuracy of the program and increases the productivity of interaction.
Main steps