Types of presence of a foreign company in Russia:

Representative office of a foreign company (Rep-Office) - the ability to engage in advertising and marketing, perform support functions for the headquarters - limited powers - cannot conduct commercial activities

Branch of a foreign company - the ability to conduct commercial activities - extended powers
A subsidiary is a popular form of presence of a foreign company in Russia. In accordance with the Russian Law, a foreign legal entity, the purpose of creation and (or) the activities of which are of a commercial nature and which bears property responsibility for the obligations assumed by him in connection with the implementation of these activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, has the right to carry out activities on the territory of the Russian Federation through a branch, representative office from the date of their accreditation, if otherwise is not established by federal laws.
- A written application to the IIFTS No. 47 for Moscow, made out under the prescribed form. The application should be signed by the Head of the Branch or any other person authorized by the foreign company
- Extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the country of origin, or another equivalent legal document confirming the legal status of the foreign legal entity
- Constituent documents of a foreign legal entity (the Charter) (the document is valid for one year from the date of its legalization)
- A document issued by a competent authority in the country of origin of the foreign company, confirming its registration as a taxpayer in this country with an indication of taxpayer code (or equivalent thereof)
- The decision of the foreign legal entity to open a branch in the Russian Federation.
- Regulations on the branch of a foreign legal entity in the Russian Federation. It may be signed in Russia by the Head of the Branch or any other person authorized by the foreign company
- A notarized power of attorney delegating the necessary powers of the head of the branch of the foreign legal entity in the Russian Federation
- A notarized power of attorney to an authorized person for business at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and IIFTS No. 47 for Moscow (is filed, if the authorized person is not the head of the branch)
- A copy of the passport and certificate of tax registration (TIN) (if available) of the Head of the Branch of a foreign company
- Information card on the branch of a foreign legal entity
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Service description
Required documents
100 EUR
100 EUR
100 EUR
Accreditation of Foreign Companies in Russia
Incorrectly executed documents for accreditation of a representative office (branch) may serve as the basis for refusal of accreditation (without refund of state duty).