Bookkeeping and Accounting
Our company provides a wide range of services in the field of Bookkeeping and Accounting, you can find a detailed list below:
Bookkeeping and Accounting are procedures that are very often used by foreign companies doing business in Russia.
Complying with all the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, our company is engaged in accounting of foreign companies of a wide range of activities.
First of all, we help to adapt the business of a foreign company to Russian specifics: we organize accounting and tax reporting, advise in various financial aspects, independently interact with tax authorities, and optimize taxation.

Our specialists are fluent in English, which allows for a free dialogue with the owners and the head office, and, most importantly, guarantees that there are no problems in the preparation of the required documentation. An additional advantage is the fact that we have the ability to effectively manage the work with documents regardless of the location of the client.
- Getting rid of "paper work" and the ability to focus on more important business issues
- Saving company time and resources
- Guaranteed quality service in the field of financial issues
- Lack of risks
Outsourcing of accounting services to specialized companies is a practice all over the world.
The convenience of this approach is appreciated by the majority of the foreign business
community, from individual entrepreneurs to company leaders in different countries.
The legislation of the Russian Federation does not oblige to hire an accountant for work, therefore the director of the company can deal with accounting on his own, however, it is very difficult to keep the accounting of the company and the management of the company at the same time, and it also requires special knowledge, skills and experience. Tax inspectors can impose fines for violations, so it is best to entrust this matter to professionals and order the services of an accountant for running the business to avoid potentially unpleasant consequences.
Service description
- Detailed consultation in the field of document flow, including methods of reporting
- Formation of charts of accounts, acts, accounting documents
- Processing of client documents
- Payroll and HR administration
- Registration of a representative office assistance in opening a bank account
- Implementation of preparation and delivery of tax reports
- Interaction with the IFTS and off-budget funds
- Optimization of taxation and expenses
- Inventory, revision
- Organization of payments to counterparties, shareholders, owners
- Income tax reporting for foreign employees
Benefits for your business
Cost of services is calculated individually for each client. The final price is customized to your required functions.
Prices & Terms
100 EUR
Drafting and submitting tax returns and financial statements
Complex accounting and tax accounting
100 EUR
Drafting sales invoices
100 EUR
Drafting payment orders for the bank
100 EUR
Drafting and submitting documents for the bank’s currency control
100 EUR
Full communication with the Client’s counterparties
100 EUR
Preparationinternal management reports
100 EUR
Advising the Client on taxation
100 EUR